
The ePIC collaboration is a collection of hundreds of scientists and engineers representing 173 institutions from 25 countries, united in a quest to understand the structure of the matter we are all made of—and indeed 99% of the visible matter that makes up our universe. We are working together to build the world’s most sophisticated particle detector for analyzing collisions between electrons and protons or other nuclei. The data we collect will give us insight into the dynamic interactions of the smallest internal building blocks of visible matter, quarks and gluons, and help us understand the underlying laws that govern the strongest force in nature.

In the process of building and eventually using this detector to do groundbreaking science, we’ll be developing new technologies and training the next generation of nuclear scientists and high-tech workers that help drive our modern society.

The ePIC detector will be built with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics, with key contributions from international partners.

ePIC Institutions Worldwide Map

ePIC Collaboration Photo

Collaboration Contacts

The ePIC Collaboration is represented by:

John Lajoie Photo
John Lajoie
ePIC Spokesperson
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Silvia Dalla Torre Photo
Silvia Dalla Torre
ePIC Deputy Spokesperson