Collaboration Council

Welcome to the ePIC Collaboration Council Page.

The Collaboration Council (CC) is the governing body of the ePIC Collaboration of international institutions. The CC makes all major policy decisions within the Collaboration. Further details about the CC can be found in section 5 of the ePIC charter. The CC is lead by the elected Chair and Vice-chair who also maintain this web page.

News, Upcoming Events

The next CC meeting will take place at the collaboration meeting at Lehigh University. Details will be announced soon.

Communication Tools
Early-Career Representatives

Aranya Giri, Nicolas Schmidt, and Maria Stefaniak

Past Chair-Lines
Cycle Name Position Period
1 Ernst Sichtermann chair 2/2023-5/2024
1 Bernd Surrow vice-chair 2/2023-5/2024

Last updated: June 11, 2024 (TU)